Tag Archives: Jesus Christ promises

How 2 Timothy 1:7 Set Me Free from Timidity’s Grip

Photo by Meizhi Lang on Unsplash

I was startled and excited to see a young man I went to high school with entering our single adult class at church. I’d always liked him and hadn’t seen him since graduation. Smiling, I welcomed him, saying, “Hi; remember me? We went to high school together.” He responded, “Oh yeah, but I don’t remember ever hearing you speak.” 

Ouch!  His statement crushed my heart. I thought of him as a friend, but I realized he never really knew me.

Moving from a small country school with about ten kids in my 4th grade class to a town school with around sixty 5th graders set me back. I was shy but comfortable with a small group of friends I knew well. But, in my new environment, I shrank into a corner and became an observer. Painful shyness took over and left me unable to talk to strangers;  the thought of standing before a group terrified me.

As I grew older, I often retreated into a fantasy world where I could control and create my own reality. I would also escape into novels, television, and movies. Therefore, I didn’t learn to talk to others. Content to speak with family or a few close friends, I avoided situations where I might be expected to carry on a conversation or where all eyes would be on me.

When I went on my first date in ninth grade, I racked my brain trying to think of what to say, but I just didn’t know. I probably said five words the whole evening. I didn’t date again until my senior year.

At the age of thirteen, believing Jesus Christ died and rose again for my salvation, I yielded my heart to Him. Concerning my extreme shyness and fear of people, I decided, “God made me this way. There’s nothing I can do about it.” I avoided bringing attention to myself and dodged ever getting in front of a group.

A month from my 18th birthday, I moved into a college dorm. I began attending a student union connected with my church’s denomination. I enjoyed the safe and familiar atmosphere until I noticed students taking turns giving testimonies during their noonday meetings.

Terrified that someone would ask me to share, I stopped going. My heart pounded as I imagined someone asking me to speak before the group. Refusing to take the risk, I trudged back to my room after class each day for at least a month with my head down, feeling lonely and miserable. Convinced God made me shy, I remained stuck in my timidity, feeling fearful and awkward.

Longing for some comfort and wisdom, I prayed and searched Scripture. One day, a particular verse stood out to me like a neon light. “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV). Boom!  The truth hit me: God didn’t give me a spirit of fear or “make me this way.” I realized that if God doesn’t give me fear, it’s coming from the enemy, Satan: the thief who comes to “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10 NIV).

It’s true that God made me an introverted and reserved person, but not one bound by fear and timidity. I began to pray and ask God for courage.

I believed His word and claimed this truth revealed in Scripture: God hadn’t given me a spirit of fear and timidity. He had given me power and self-discipline. I asked Him to give me the courage to return and give my testimony. Having recently learned more about spiritual warfare and how Satan works to deceive us, I also claimed this verse: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7 NIV).

I prayed something similar to this: “Father, thank You that You did not give me a spirit of fear. Please fill me with Your Spirit and help me rely on You for courage. Satan, leave me alone. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.”

The next day, I returned to the student union and volunteered to speak at the noonday service. In spite of my nervousness, I shared this testimony, telling them about my struggle and God’s revelation. I learned His strength releases me from the bonds of fear and crippling timidity. Many listeners responded with enthusiasm and encouragement. Joy filled my soul, and I felt free!

I didn’t suddenly become an extrovert. I’m still reserved and quiet. But timidity has never again held me captive.

I spent seventeen years as a school librarian and taught classes. For the past 19 years, I’ve worked as a substitute teacher. Through the years, I’ve given testimonies, taught Bible studies, and led groups. In earlier years, I never would have believed that was possible. Still today, I often step in front of a group, trusting in His strength, not my natural abilities.

I overcame the lie in my life with God’s truth. Does a lie have you captive?

To overcome a lie that has you in its grip:

  1.     Identify the lie.

If something you believe puts you in bondage rather than helping you live in freedom, you may be deceived.

Scripture tells us, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1 NIV): freedom from the bondage and penalty of sin and freedom from the burden of the law. Christ wants us to live by the Spirit, who enables us to love and serve others with joy. He helps us live as our true selves.

Is an untruth keeping you from living freely in Christ?

  1.     Search Scripture to find truth.

Study the Bible to learn what God says about what you’re believing. Read Scripture daily and ask God to reveal the truth to you. When a verse stands out to you, read the context to understand the full meaning. Find some reliable commentaries if you’re unsure. Enduring Word is a great free online commentary.

New Testament writer Paul taught: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).

  1.     Claim the truth in Jesus’ name.

When you know the truth according to God’s Word, begin to speak that truth in your heart. Pray about it. Memorize it. Meditate on what it means for your life. Talk to other Christians and ask them to pray for you.

Paul urges us, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

  1.     Resist the devil and his lies.

When you feel the enemy come against you and try to pull you back to the lie, resist him. Stand firm in faith and cling to the name of Jesus.

Jesus is our example of using Scripture to resist Satan. When the devil came to tempt Him to turn stones into bread and use His power for himself, Jesus responded, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4 NIV). Each time the devil tempted Him, Jesus answered with Scripture.

  1.     Step out in faith.

Take the initiative. Stepping out in faith, and believing God for courage, broke the grip of timidity on me, allowing me to speak in front of the group. Freedom came after I volunteered to share my testimony. I learned that when we step out in faith, God gives us what we need.

Scripture emphasizes the importance of faith: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

First published at ibelieve.com

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7 “Nevers” Promised to Those Who Trust in Christ

Uncertainties confront us every day. How long will we live? Will our children grow up and prosper or suffer and die young? War, disease, poverty, famine, and social upheaval threaten us. We have no guarantee that life as we know it will continue or if our days will be filled with peace or pain. What can we depend on? 

We can stand on the absolutes of God’s written word, the Holy Bible. His truth will never fail. In Scripture, He gives many trustworthy promises. We don’t know what our future on earth holds, but here are seven things He assures us will never happen to believers in Christ Jesus:

1. Never Be ThirstyWhoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35 NIV). 

Every person experiences physical hunger and thirst. We must eat and drink to keep our bodies alive and well. Still, our bodies will die at some point.

Our spirits are another issue, and that is what Jesus is referring to here. All humans come into this world spiritually dead. We begin our journey hungering and thirsting for life. Most feel emptiness deep in their souls. We’re always searching for what’s missing and trying to fill that void with sex, alcohol, drugs, success, entertainment, pride, and self-effort through good deeds. But these pursuits don’t fulfill. We always need more and more. We’re trying to satisfy our hunger with illusions. It’s like trying to carry water in a bucket riddled with holes.  

Jesus came to resurrect our souls. When we believe in Him, we receive eternal life. We’re given spiritual bread and water, which fills us so we never hunger again. As Jesus promised, “He who eats this bread will live forever” (John 6:58 NKJV).
Anyone can receive His living water. Jesus said, “Come to Me” (Matthew 11:28). Scripture records in Acts 16:30-32, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” When we believe Jesus died and rose again to pay the price for our sins and confess Him as Lord, we will never again hunger or thirst for spiritual life.

2. Never Be Driven AwayAll those the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away” (John 6:37 NIV).

Most of us fear rejection, sometimes making us hesitant to invite someone to lunch, go for an interview, or put ourselves in any situation where a brushoff is possible. We often go to great lengths to avoid being shunned.

Jesus issues an amazing invitation. Anyone who believes in Him and cries out for salvation will be received. There’s no risk of rejection but a guarantee of acceptance, love, and grace. Scripture tells us, “'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’” (Romans 10:12-13).

All who seek Jesus will never be turned away. God wants all to come to Him. 

3. Never Walk in DarknessWhen Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” (John 8:12 NIV).

The dark frightened me, even through my college years. Being alone in inky blackness or with others sleeping caused my imagination to go wild. Much more terrifying is a spiritual darkness. To walk through life blind to death’s reality and then face eternal gloom without hope of light is a terrifying prospect. 

But hope is offered. Jesus died to give us unending light with Him in heaven. He is the Light. When we follow Jesus, we have spiritual enlightenment and we will never be in the dark again. 

4. Never See DeathVery truly I tell you, whoever obeys My word will never see death” (John 8:51 NIV).

Death is the enemy that constantly stalks us, mocking us with its inevitability. Every human will die. These bodies begin to decay from the moment we are born. Yet, Jesus promised those who obey Him will never die spiritually. 

We have obeyed when we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. All who are in Christ will never experience spiritual death. We will never cease to exist. What a glorious promise! 

5. Never Be ForsakenNever will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NIV). 

People are sometimes abandoned by parents, friends, spouses, or children. Those who’ve been deserted often live in fear of not being enough, wondering when the next person will leave. 

We will never be forsaken by God. No matter what we do, He will always be with us and, because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, His Spirit lives in us. 

6. Never Be Put to ShameThe one who trusts in Him, will never be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6 NIV).

I think one of our greatest fears is to be shamed before others. We feel humiliated when we realize we’ve behaved in a way that goes against our personal values or those of society. We stand exposed and with no way to take back the actions or words. Or we know our souls are laid bare before God who knows our every thought and action. 

Shame makes us want to hide, run away, or despair in life. It’s a heart-killer that darkens our souls, making us want to conceal our real selves. Shame says, “You’re a failure, hopeless, a mistake.” 

We shouldn’t confuse shame with guilt. Guilt drives us to admit a specific mistake or sin and we’re called to repent when we’re guilty. Shame compels us to hide because we feel like our whole being is a mistake. It’s believing others see us as foolish or unworthy. 

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus took our shame for us. We can face God boldly knowing He gave us His righteousness in exchange for our sin and shame.

7. Never Be Blotted OutI will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life” (Revelation 3:5 NIV).

Scripture teaches that each one who believes in Jesus Christ as Savior will have their name written in the book of life, the book in which God records the names of every person who is destined for heaven in the world to come. Once our names are there, they will never be erased. We are His forever. 

Jesus promised, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to Me is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand” (John 10:28-29 NIV).

We don’t know when inevitable suffering or loss will happen to us or our families. Will we encounter multiple struggles and sorrows or have a comparatively easy life? What we can depend on is that, through Christ, we’ll never be alone or abandoned. We’ll never be left without spiritual food and drink. Our souls will never die and we’ll never be left in the dark. He’ll always love us, always hear and answer our prayers, never turn us away, and He’ll never take away our salvation. We’re His forever. We walk by faith, not by sight, knowing God keeps His promises.

I cling to these truths in the face of daily unknowns. Jesus is the Rock I stand on. He will never leave me.

First published at iBelieve.com

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