Tag Archives: What can I do?

What Can I Do?

 What should my response be to events in our country and with our leaders? Will my family and I be ok? What can I do? 

 The Apostle Paul gave these instructions to Timothy that apply today:
 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4
 Our first and continued response to those in authority should be prayer. 
 Paul emphasized we should pray all types of prayer for all people and especially for those in authority. More than a short cursory prayer such as “Bless our leaders.”
 He teaches we need to offer detailed and urgent prayers for those in authority.

 Supplications: “Deesis – a heart-felt petition, arising out of deep personal need.”  Example: Widow who prayed and fasted continually in the temple in Luke 2:37.
 Prayers: “proseuche– a prayer to God, an exchange.”  The implication is a time and place for prayer. Example: Jesus went to mountainside to spend the night praying. Luke 6:12
 Intercession: “enteuxis– a petition or supplication.” Seeking to know and pray for God’s specific will. 
 Thanksgiving: Eucharistia – thankfulness. 
 Prayer that is a heartfelt, urgent exchange with God at an appointed time and place. Where we seek to find and pray for God’s will. Thanking Him for answers and with a thankful heart no matter the outcome.
 This truth brings conviction to my heart. I haven’t been praying this way. 
 God’s word to me is that I must set aside a time I will bring to Him my petitions, prayers, and intercessions for all those in authority over me.
 Father, thank You for Your grace. I know You love me with an everlasting love. I know You hear my prayers and answer. Forgive me for not praying urgently as I should for our country and our world. Help me to change starting today. Please guide the leaders of our world. Help us, Lord. Give wisdom to all in authority. Open doors so that Your Gospel can go throughout the world and bring people to salvation.
 Instead of complaining: pray
 Instead of worry: pray
 Instead of speculation and gossip: pray
 Instead of hiding: pray
 Instead of arguing: pray
 If you want peace: pray
 If you want to please God: pray 

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Filed under prayer

What Can I Do When I Feel Helpless?

Confusion keeps stalking me. Between Covid-19 fears, election frenzy, conspiracy theories, and disrespect on all levels, I’m continually faced with contradictory messages. My mind goes back and forth on what I believe about some issues. It’s overwhelming. I don’t know who to listen to or trust. Experts on both sides give us conflicting information.

As an average woman living her life, what can I do? I don’t have power or influence over what’s happening and can’t control any of these events.

I can…

Pray. Prayer is the most powerful force available. Click To TweetGod gave believers the freedom to pray in the name of Jesus Christ knowing He will hear and answer. Jesus said if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Praying about every doubt, fear, uncertainty, and problem that comes to mind should be my priority. I need to bring everything to Almighty God because prayer makes a difference.

Have faith. I need to focus on God. I should be looking to Him for answers and trusting Him for the outcome. Our Father possesses all wisdom and nothing surprises Him. He knows the end from the beginning. He’s aware of the results of every trial we face. God determines which rulers will rise and which ones will fall (Daniel 2:21). His purposes will be fulfilled. I place my hopes in His Sovereign care and control.

Take the next step determined for me. I listen for His guidance as I step out in obedience: whether it’s going to work, cleaning my house, loving my family, helping my neighbor, giving to someone in need, serving, or resting, I do everything for His glory. I move forward in obedience to Him allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me.

Immerse my mind with His truth. Considering all the differing opinions, it’s difficult to discern a lie from the truth. I need to saturate my mind with what I know is true: God’s Holy Word, the Bible. The Bible is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and a result of His supernatural work. Click To TweetGod’s words have the power to transform my heart and mind. They equip me for what’s ahead. In His Word, I find the wisdom I need to live this life and face whatever comes.

Love. I fulfill God’s greatest commandments by loving Him above all and loving others as much as I love myself (Matthew 22:36-40). By His grace and power, I can love others as He has loved me and show them the same grace I’ve received. God is love. When we love, we’re most like Him.

Help someone. I’m surrounded by people who need a listening ear, a helping hand, a monetary gift, encouragement, or support. I can show others who Jesus is by imitating His love for people. Often, when we’re helping someone, our own problems diminish. God comforts us in hard times so we can do the same for others.

Regardless of what’s happening in our world, God equips us as we immerse ourselves in truth, talk to Him, and take the next step to obey Him by showing love and grace to others. By trusting God, our hearts are filled with His peace. Click To Tweet

What suggestions do you have? Please share in the comments.

Which step will you take today?

First published at Wholly Loved Ministries

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Filed under Faith, personal

When Worry Beats You Up


“Do not fret because of those who do evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good.” Psalm 37:1-3a

It’s only human to be upset when we hear about the evil done by some people or even the threat of evil. We hear many threats right now with constant news of secret conspiracies and accusations of wrongdoing. Then there is the outright acts of violence that happen every day. Of course, that bothers us and we get upset.

To fret is defined as to “be constantly or visibly worried or anxious,” or to “gradually wear away (something) by rubbing or gnawing” as in the waves on the shore. Fretting takes our natural reaction to evil to another level. It means we can’t stop thinking about it. It keeps wearing on us and wearing us down like the waves constantly coming to shore.

Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to live in a constant state of anxiety over evil. David, the ancient king who wrote Psalm 37 reminds us that those evildoers will soon wither like grass. They have no real power. They are temporary. God is eternal. Instead, we turn to God and trust Him.

David teaches—instead of holding on to the awful things happening, give them to God and trust Him, then do good. Look for the good you can do in the midst of all that is happening.

That is God’s message to me today. I’ve spent so much time during this C19 pandemic by myself and often just fretting. God is saying, “Do something good.”

As Martin Luther King once said, “Darkness can’t drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can’t drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament said, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

Father, please show me the good You want me to do. Show me where I can take action.

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Filed under Faith, trouble